5 ways AI leasing assistants can improve the resident experience


We know multifamily is a hectic industry. We have goals to reach, deadlines to meet, and an ever-growing list of daily tasks that sometimes feels impossible to get through. With so much going on, it’s easy for a few things to fall through the cracks.

We’re here to make sure it’s not your resident experience. 

AI has already proven to be a game-changer for prospect engagement. But AI also has powerful advantages for building stronger relationships with current residents. 

Here are 5 ways AI leasing assistants like ResMate can significantly improve the resident experience:

1. Resident Chatbot: Your community’s 24/7 concierge

Answering resident questions can be repetitive, time-consuming and exhausting. ResMate’s Resident Chatbot steps in to handle these inquiries, providing instant responses and suggestions without requiring a team member’s intervention. Available 24/7, 365 days a year, the chatbot ensures residents always have access to the information they need, making it your property’s friendly, always-on concierge.

Read more about ResMate’s Resident Chatbot improvements

2. Move-in automations: Making a stellar first impression

Creating a positive first impression with new residents is crucial for long-term satisfaction and retention. ResMate’s CRM allows property managers to automate a series of custom welcome emails to send around the resident’s move-in date. This early communication ensures every new resident feels valued, informed, and excited about their new home—setting the tone for a great resident experience.

Discover how ResMate’s move-in automation can help your property + 5 customizable email templates for leasing follow-up

3. Segmented communication: Targeted & meaningful engagement

Improving engagement doesn’t just mean increasing the number of emails or messages sent. Effective communication with residents should be meaningful and targeted. AI leasing assistants like ResMate have features that allow you to send personalized messages to individuals, or groups with similar interests, ensuring each interaction is impactful and relevant.

Read more about the power of personalized marketing in 2024

4. Increased occupancy: Keeping your community vibrant

A full community is a happy community. Vacant units are not only a financial burden but also affect the overall atmosphere. You want your community to feel sought-after, and welcoming—not empty. By using an AI leasing assistant, you can fill units faster and maintain a happy community. For example, ResMate uses no-show and cold-lead follow-up automations, improving conversion rates and ensuring a lively community. Additionally, when your community is at capacity, ResMate’s waitlist feature collects and saves prospect information, automatically notifying them of openings.

Learn how ResMate handles no-show and cold-lead re-engagement

5. Improved employee retention: Building a consistent, trustworthy team

Retaining employees is just as crucial as retaining residents. High employee turnover can disrupt the management and flow of the community. AI leasing assistants like ResMate improve employee happiness and retention by automating repetitive tasks, saving staff valuable time, and giving them more opportunities to engage in person with residents. This not only reduces workload, but also enhances job satisfaction by allowing team members to focus on more meaningful interactions.

Read more about AI leasing assistant’s impact on employee satisfaction

Resident retention = the key to success, from your bottom line to community reputation

Improving resident retention is not just about creating a pleasant living experience or reducing turnover costs (though, it helps). By focusing on resident retention, property managers can create a thriving, stable, and prosperous community. Here’s just a few of the benefits: 

  1. Reduced turnover costs: Every time a unit turns over, there are costs associated with cleaning, repairs, and marketing to find new residents. By retaining residents, these costs are significantly reduced.
  2. Lower marketing expenses: Attracting new residents involves substantial marketing expenses. Satisfied, long-term residents reduce the need for constant marketing campaigns to fill vacancies.
  3. Enhanced community reputation: Happy residents are more likely to refer friends and family, enhancing your property’s reputation and attracting new residents through word-of-mouth and positive online reviews.
  4. Sustainable growth: Building a loyal resident base provides a foundation for sustainable growth. With a strong retention strategy, you can focus on gradual expansion and improvement of your property portfolio without the pressure of high vacancy rates.
  5. Better feedback for improvements: Engaged residents provide valuable feedback on what works and what needs improvement in your property management. This input can guide you in making informed decisions that further enhance the resident experience and operational efficiency.

Measuring resident satisfaction

Once you’ve implemented your strategy to improve the resident experience it’s important to monitor resident satisfaction to see how it may impact your renewal rates. 

With ResMate’s Resident Happiness Score, it’s easy to see which residents are likely to renew (with 78% accuracy), and which may need some extra attention. By monitoring resident happiness you can predict your turnover costs and expenses, and measure any gaps in which you can continue to improve on the resident experience.

The future of resident experience with AI

AI leasing assistants like ResMate have revolutionized the way we approach resident experience, benefiting prospects, residents, and leasing agents alike. With recent enhancements to ResMate’s features, there has never been a better time to integrate AI into your property management strategy.

Stay ahead in the multifamily industry by leveraging AI to ensure your residents feel heard, valued, and engaged. Let ResMate transform your resident experience and schedule a demo today!


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