Apartment Amenity Scheduling is Here to Stay
Most apartment operators will agree that safe access to community amenities has been one of the most significant
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Most apartment operators will agree that safe access to community amenities has been one of the most significant
What’s the key to a seamless, helpful, human-like chatbot convo? Natural language processing. This is a type of
After a long 2020, the holiday season has arrived. With it comes changes to work weeks, searching patterns,
NMHC refers to OPTECH as the premier event to see what’s next in the Multifamily industry. Even though
Apartment communities across the country are grappling with lower-than-usual occupancy rates as we enter the winter season, read
Traffic, social shares and backlinks are just a few metrics that apartment marketers should monitor. Read on for
An apartment community that addresses questions quickly and thoroughly has an edge over the competition, but implementing AI
Apartment social media can be a powerful way to reach your target audience and keep vacancies low in
COVID has affected online search behavior. Given the shifts in search behavior, your approach to Multifamily SEO should
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