Case Study

Apartment SEO

Transparent display of a search bar superimposed on hands holding a cell phone

Gain better visibility, drive more apartment leads, and increase revenue


increase in organic traffic year-over-year


increase in conversion rate


improvement in pages per session

The Challenge

A luxury apartment management company in the highly-competitive Philadelphia market was relying exclusively on online apartment guides for their website traffic. Wanting to reduce their dependence on third parties, they engaged Respage to help them boost lead generation from their websites and stay one step ahead in the market.

Our Solution

A strategy was launched that included improving website accessibility and usability – to better provide users with the information they were seeking and guide them toward conversion. They also improved the quality of information on the sites. Both of these greatly impacted site engagement, with a 38% jump in time spent on sites. Year-over-year occupancy increased significantly. The company now generates most leases from its own marketing and dropped its premium guide listings.


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