What do fruitcakes, cheap chocolates, and company-branded merchandise have in common? They’re all typical corporate gifts that no leasing employee wants to receive.
Your apartment staff works hard all year, so when it comes time for the holidays, they really deserve a reward.
In this gift guide, you won’t find cliche gadgets or cheesy White Elephant gifts. We’re giving you the brutally honest truth about what your leasing staff actually wants this holiday season. (Hint: It’s not another mug with your apartment’s logo on it.)
1. A break from social media
Don’t make your staff learn another TikTok dance for the sake of signing more leases. If you want to make their month, give them a social media detox. Respage has social media experts who can take over posting (including for Google Business Profile) so your staff can salvage what’s left of their dignity.
2. Starbucks gift card
Because it doesn’t matter how many times they’ve hit up the tepid liquid from the crusty coffee maker in the lobby—your leasing agents still have not had enough caffeine to deal with Donna in 302B. A Starbucks gift card is great because you know they’ll use it, and it gives them an excuse to take a breather while they go on a latte run.
3. Espresso machine
See #2 above. And no, they don’t want to share it with the residents.
4. More favorable reviews
One of the best gifts a leasing agent can receive is a thank-you from a resident—or a favorable review. It’s disheartening to see a negative review, especially when people tend to only speak up the one time something goes wrong and not the nine other times things go right.
Increase your leasing staff’s morale by installing a review booster to request reviews from happy residents. Not only will this help your Google star rating, but it’ll also make your staff glow with all of the positive notes rolling in.

5. Longer lunch breaks
Thirty minutes to refuel during a nine-hour shift is brutal. Considering that leasing agents typically scarf down lunch at their desks while fielding requests from residents, we feel they’ve earned the privilege of a 60-minute stress-free period where they can enjoy their meal in peace.
6. Greater insight into resident satisfaction
If Google reviews aren’t enough to satisfy your staff’s craving for community satisfaction, help your on-site team get even more insight by surveying your residents.
If you send out a resident satisfaction survey by mid-December, your team can get a head start on planning improvements and other ways to boost your community reputation to make 2024 the best year yet.
7. Virtual leasing assistant
Give your leasing team a much-needed break by adding a virtual leasing assistant to your office. Far from replacing jobs, AI leasing assistants support your apartment staff by automating tasks such as scheduling tours and following up with emails. That way, your leasing agents can focus on what they do best (like giving tours), and they can enjoy the holidays with their family knowing the AI assistant is handling the after-hours phone calls.

8. A pillow to scream into
Just in case they need to vent their frustration during Quiet Hours.
9. Games
It’s wintertime, which means lots of downtime. During this off season for rentals, give your leasing staff something to keep them occupied. Any board game or jigsaw puzzle will do, but may we suggest Resident Complaint Bingo? Make a bingo card where each square is a common complaint, and see how long it takes to complete a row!
10. Screenwriting courses
Because what your apartment staff witnesses on a daily basis (especially when inspecting apartments after move-out) is the stuff of sitcoms.
11. Free food
No one will ever refuse delicious treats that are on the house.

12. Comfy walking shoes
Look, your leasing agents are tired of bumming golf cart rides off the maintenance crew. And hoofing it around the property 10 miles a day giving tours is hard on the feet. Get them a pair of comfortable walking shoes (or their own golf carts if you’re feeling extra generous).
13. Bring Your Pet to Work Day
You’re always touting to prospects that you have a pet-friendly community—so why can’t your leasing team enjoy this amenity, too? Designate one day a year when staff can snuggle with their own fur babies in the leasing office. Plus, it’ll signal to the residents that you truly are pet-friendly—it’s really a win-win!
14. Holiday gift fund
Some properties allow residents to donate money to a gift fund that gets split evenly among staff. And with it being a slow season, we’re sure your leasing staff would love some extra holiday cash.
15. More vacation days
Yes, they signed up for this job knowing they’d often work weekends and holidays. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be rewarded with extra vacation days as a thank-you.
Give your leasing team a gift that keeps on giving
Jokes aside, your leasing agents rock! Yes, their job is demanding and residents can push their buttons, but your apartment staff loves your community. Show them that you appreciate what they do by giving them a gift that makes their jobs easier. Respage’s AI leasing assistant, review booster, and resident surveys free up your staff’s time and energy so they can do what they enjoy most: building community.
Learn more about these amazing “gifts” by clicking the button below.